CPR TV: Family Law Reform Network
All epidodes now available on web-streaming! (click for details)
Schedule of CPR TV station and airtime details in your local area (click for details)
Order Form for ordering Tapes and DVDs of CPR TV Shows or Sunday Meetings
NEW RADIO SPOT: Family Court Destroys Families and Exploit Children
A 60-second radio spot has been produced specifically to expand awareness of the damaging effects
Are you in MN? You can make a difference by contacting any radio station and email the link to this
From another state? Family Law Reform Groups in other states are encouraged to use this radio spot.
Special thanks to Seeber Video and Film for the donation of volunteer time required to produce this spot.
Taken Into Custody, by Dr. Stephen Baskerville, a highly credentialed political scientist,
Project Mission:
To help remove the obstacles that prevent both parents from being fully and
Weå Œooking to
Support You if You Have Divorce/Paternity Issues With:
Parenting Time
Legal or Physical Custody
Government Intrusion
Excessive Child Support
A Desire to Advocate for Family Law Reform Watch CPR TV from 8:30 to 9:30 PM every
Wednesday on Metro Cable Channel 6
Your Steps Toward
Involvement in CPR: STEP 1:
Complete Intake Form STEP 2:
Become a Member/Meet with a CPR Expert STEP 3:FREE
Monthly Meetings: William Mitchell College of Law (see "member Meetings" page for details) STEP 4:
Write Your Story STEP 5:
Volunteer Your Time and
Talents to CPR STEP 6:
Meet with Your State County
Commissioner/Legislators/US Congress STEP 7:
Financial Support STEP 8:
Help Build Grass
Roots Public Awareness STEP 9: Walk With God
STEP 10:
Yourself/Information is Power
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