What Are Your Areas of Interest?


Be Part of the CPR Inner Circle – Decide Your Team!

How Can You Volunteer Your Time? We Need Your Help!

(check your areas of interest on this form)


Membership Team

____ Experienced marketing/sales person(s) to Chair/Co-Chair the Membership Team to manage volunteers and fulfill the plan to help grow the organization membership

____ Write a marketing plan to increase membership

____ Make outbound phone calls: to update contact information of existing members

____ Make outbound phone calls: after the Sunday night meeting, call new attendees to welcome them and find out how we can help further and get them plugged into CPR in a way that meets their objectives


Marketing Team

____ Experienced marketing professional(s) to Chair/Co-Chair the Marketing Team to manage volunteers and fulfill the plan to increase awareness of CPR and NCP issues

____ Write a marketing plan using various campaigns to increase awareness (on a shoe-string budget)

____ Make various phone calls and write follow-up letters: to invite people, get commitment, and schedule them onto our Cable TV Show

____ Take a shift in the CPR booth at various events


Research/Organize Research Team

____ Relevant Case Law

____ State and US Legislation

____ Federal and state agency information

____ Find research on the benefits of Joint Custody


Legislative Education Team (as citizen lobbyists)

____ Meet with legislators one-on-one (especially needed are affected women (second wives, etc), grandparents, and dads whose kids are grown, but the most important qualification is that you are available during the day, and you are willing to learn how to effectively communicate the message by sharing a problem and a solution É CPR volunteers can help you in this process if you have the time)

____ Attend regular legislative citizen lobby planning meetings

____ Available during the work day to make appointments with legislators and attend hearings


Write Your Story

_____ I commit to writing my story in 2 pages or less, explaining what I have experienced as bias and unfairness and the negative impact that has had on my children.


Technical Support Team

____ Help work on the Website: need design and graphic experts to enhance visual appeal of current website using current html technology

____ work to proactively make suggestions for improvements and content on an ongoing basis

____ Help make copies of CPR information recorded on CDs

____ Help with the Cable TV Show


Compassionate Support Team

____ LEADERSHIP: Chair/Co-Chair or Team Leader for the Team

____ Make Outbound Phone Calls to Hurting and Desperate Members and Future Members who have called in seeking help/guidance

____ Make Outbound Phone Calls and complete initial intake over the telephone, mail out initial information, guide them to next steps

____ Help others Write their Individual Stories of devastation


Sunday Night Meetings Team



Judicial Education Team

____ research educational opportunities: we need to share our NCP/ family/children research with judicial officers just as emphatically and frequently as other organizes with competing goals.

____ COURTWATCH: available during day to attend hearings with NCPs, observe process, and outcome and report back to CPR



____ provide legal/paralegal assistance to individuals in crisis: review pro se forms, explain important legal arguments or phrases, etc


Educational Services/Product Development Team
____ Writer for LEN newsletter to legislator

____ Writer for JEN newsletter to judiciary

____ Assist in Cable TV Show: production assistant, gopher, etc

____ Help write script for Educational CDs

____ Writer for educational brochures for members


Fundraising Committee: For the ŅBuilding FundÓ

____ Experienced Grant-writer to write and apply for grants

____ Asking Corporations for tax-deductible Donations

____ Provide CPR names of people you think CPR can approach for contributions – people with money and a heart for our mission


Prayer Team (help cover all CPR and member needs in prayer)

____ Willing to receive emails for specific prayer requests of members and pray independently or possibly pray with other prayer warriors over the phone

OTHER: (is there something else you believe you have the time/talent to help with? Please let us know!)






*** How to Get Involved in CPR ***


your time for the CPR Inner Circle


Do you have a passion to change things for others – to ensure that the troubles you have had donÕt befall anyone else - especially your sons or daughters? You can make a difference with your time and talents. CPR is a 100% volunteer organization and without your help we canÕt provide services to members or develop the critical mass needed for reform.


Listed on the back side of this from are the volunteer opportunities. Please mark all categories that you are interested in and return the form to CPR. You can help a little or you can help a lot.  Most volunteers find that the more they give, the more they get out of the organization.


But what we NEED MOST are people who can:

Ć  Consistent do-ers who are willing to make a commitment to one specific activity that is done routinely for at least 6 months

o      Whether you have 1 hour a month or 1 hour a day, there are projects CPR needs your help with.

Ć  Attend the volunteer update meetings each month (may be held for 30 minutes following the CPR Sunday night meetings)

Ć  Leaders who are willing to help coordinate the efforts of others who can help on a specific project or task force



(please include all information even if you think we may already have it)





TodayÕs Date: _____________________________


Name: __________________________________________


Address: _________________________________________________       


City: __________________________________ State: ______  Zip: _____________


Email: __________________________________________


Phone:       ________________________   Home         What phone number is best? (circle)

                  ________________________   Cell           

                  ________________________   Work



Thanks to all those who have committed their time and talents to CPR, we appreciate your help and we canÕt do all this without you!

Return Completed Form at a Sunday Meeting OR MAIL To: CPR    PO Box 130776   Roseville, MN 55113