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Center for Parental Responsibility
P.O. Box 130776
Roseville, MN 55113
Voicemail: (651) 490-9277

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REWARD:  $100 for intact binder

"Key Findings in Support of Joint Physical Custody"

CPR Meeting History

2003-2008 Public Meetings.

For 6 years CPR held monthly educational meetings open to the public at William Mitchell College of Law. Speakers included judges, lawyers, legislators, police officers, psychologists, and other family court/family law professionals. Anyone interested in family law reform was welcome. The purpose of the meetings was to educate and empower individuals to understand the family law and family court practices enough to be their own best advocate in their personal case, as well as mobilize citizens together who demand change and are willing to work together by volunteering their time for family court reform. 2009 Public Meetings.

For 1 year CPR held quarterly educational meetings open to the public at William Mitchell College of Law. The speaker format and purpose remained the same as it did the first 6 years. The other 8 meetings throughout 2009 were limited and restricted to dedicated volunteers who were taking on and managing specific (long term) tasks, reporting on results and individual accomplishments, and working with CPR strategizing and determining action items that will move forward our reform efforts. 2010 Member Meetings.

CPR will no longer hold educational meetings open to the public. CPR is mobilizing attorneys and establishing a law clinic to develop a member program for individuals and working with like-minded and reform-minded attorneys to achieve our family law/family court reform goals. CPR still seeks volunteers willing to champion and manage specific tasks and/or volunteers for at least 6 months at a time.

If interested in volunteering your time or resources and be part of the INNER CIRCLE OF FAMILY COURT REFORM, please see VOLUNTEER page of this website.

· READ, understand, and consider the following: TOP 20 Things You Can Do. These are reform activities you can accomplish independently and prove your value and show your initiative to the organization. · COMPLETE the Volunteer Form below: Volunteer Form Let us know your specific areas of expertise and interest. You will be contacted as soon as we have a committee chair for the area you are interested in.


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DISCLAIMER: The viewing of material from this site, the exchange of mail, and/or other communications with CPR does not constitute legal advice. CPR makes no representation or warranty regarding the resources or other professionals to which or from which this site is linked. The information at this site is provided as educational public service. However, it may not be relevant to your situation and is not intended to replace a thorough and proper consultation with a competent and experienced attorney.