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Center for Parental Responsibility
P.O. Box 130776
Roseville, MN 55113
Voicemail: (651) 490-9277

Contact us



Watch CPR's New Fundraising Video

CPR Fundraising Video, (30 seconds)  

How To Make A Tax-Deductible Donation

Donate Individual Contribution by Mail (P.O. Box 130776 Roseville, MN 55113)
Donate Corporate or Foundation Contribution by Mail
Donate by Paypal:


Many Good Causes

CPR is one of many good causes for compassionate and caring people to make tax-deductible contributions that help children. Many people give to “warm and fuzzy” causes that are “easy” because they are completely NOT controversial and absolutely “politically correct” – a “no brainer” such as: children’s hospitals, children’s education, food banks, breast cancer, DV, and the like. For some reason, the mission of CPR – to make sure children have equal access to their fit loving father who have done nothing legally wrong, seems to be perceived as less “glamorous” and even controversial? For some reason, people hesitate to support a cause that believes that children need their fathers as much as they need their mothers, when those parents are divorced or never married.

The research is clear. Not just a little research, but volumes of credible peer reviewed research and even U.S. Supreme Court cases confirm that children stand a much better chance when their fathers are equally involved in their lives to provide both quality and quantity time. Fathers want more time with their children. And adult children of divorce say they wanted more time with their dads.

CPR works to remove the obstacles that prevent both parents from being fully and equally involved in the lives of their children, because children need both parents. The biggest obstacle to our mission is the “divorce industry” that puts profits over children and has created artificial and unnecessary conflict putting children in the middle of every family break-up. We believe this must stop. All our opposition obtains massive amounts of government funding. CPR refuses government funding. We believe these are private issues, and don’t need to be public issues. But this funding differential creates a huge vacuum for CPR and tips the scales against us in all that we do to help children.

Without funding, our efforts are extremely limited. We have a long list of “shovel ready” projects just waiting to be funded, so that we can make sure children benefit from equal access to both parents. When parents are no longer together, children need more love, not less. Won’t you please consider a tax-deductible donation to support our cause?.

Give As You Have Been Given

The lavishness of our giving is in direct proportion to our experience of grace. “Out of the most severe trial, their overflowing joy and their extreme poverty welled up in rich generosity. For I testify that they gave us much as they were able, and even beyond their ability. Entirely on their own, they urgently pleaded with us for the privilege of sharing in this service to the saints. And they did not do as we expected, but they gave themselves first to the Lord and then to us in keeping with God’s will” (2 Corinthians 8:2-5).

“Bring all the tithes into the storehouse so there will be enough ... “If you do,” says the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, “I will open the windows of heaven for you. I will pour out a blessing so great you won’t have enough room to take it in! Try it! Put me to the test!” (Malachi 3:10).

“Your gifts are a fragrant offering, an acceptable sacrifice, pleasing to God. And my God will meet all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:18-19).

“Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work” (2 Corinthians 9:7-8).

"Honor the Lord with your substance [earnings], with the first fruits of your crops [paycheck], then your barns will be filled to overflowing, and your vats will brim over with new wine." (Proverbs 3:9-10)

T-Shirts/Yardsigns: Hey Government! Get out!
Get yours today - See order details below

CPR T-shirt/Yardsign PSA Video, (30 seconds)  

Suggested Donations:

$75   Annual Individual Membership Donation (includes free Tshirt & Yardsign)
$500   Gold Sponsor
$1000   Partner
$2,500   Builder
$5,000   Leadership Circle
$10,000   Ambassador
$25,000   Visionaries Club

T-shirts Available

Suggested donation $28
T-shirt Order Form

Front of Shirt

Yard Signs Available

Suggested donation 1 for $10; 2 for $15; 3 for $20
Yard Sign Order Form

Yard Sign

Importance of Contribution

How America Gives , Lynn Schnurnberger
Parade Magazine, December 16, 2007.


Center for Parental Responsibility ***
Membership Benefits

CPR is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. Your contributions are tax deductible and can be claimed as a legal write-off on your annual tax return. CPR relies on the contributions of individuals and organizations who are supportive of the cause. We will provide an appropriate receipt to you for all contributions. CPR believes in reducing government involvement in the family, and therefore CPR seeks no taxpayer funding from the government for its operations. If you need any further information about the various opportunities to contribute, please email us at

Contributing to organizations with same/similar values and goals can be an important way to ensure societal change that is consistent with your beliefs. Thank you for your partnership with us.


Hear How You Can Support CPR:

 ·         Annual memberships

·         Annual sponsorships

·         Monthly meeting free-will offering

·         United Way designated pledge

·         Donating your expertise: volunteering your time, talents, services

·         Donating office items: paper, photocopy cards, phone cards, furniture, office space, toner cartridge, etc

·         Donating give away’s

·         Automobile purchase referrals

·         Automobile donations

·         Grants


Annual memberships:

Types of Memberships


Membership Benefits

Associate Member

Our future members

No membership fees

Freewill donation accepted at Mtgs

Email updates only

Website Available

Silver Member

Annual membership

Free will offering at Monthly Mtg

Associate Member Benefits, plus:





GOLD Member

Annual Membership Donation $75

Free will offering at Monthly Mtg


ü       1 Free Tshirt, 1 Free Yardsign, Educational Brochures, Court Watch, Attorney Referral List, Return phone calls & emails as volunteers are available

Honorary Member

Time and Expertise – Advisory Board

All other Member Benefits, plus

ü       Get your name out as a respected expert professional

What Happens with the Money?

All membership dues tax deductible

Additional contributions accepted any time

Money collected for CPR goes towards operational expenses such as: photocopies, brochures, website, telephone, PO Box, blank CDs, postage, and other supplies.


Annual sponsorships:

Annual sponsorships are designed for individuals and organizations. The contribution can be designated for general operations, or the project of your choice.

Types of Memberships


Membership Benefits

Platinum Sponsor

Annual Sponsorship $500

Associate Member Benefits, plus Silver Member Benefits, plus

GOLD Member Benefits, plus:

ü       Business Referral Network

ü       FREE advertising in newsletters, referral network, etc

ü       Membership list

ü       Educational Brochures FREE (volume limit 50 at a time)


Monthly free-will offering:

An offering is taken at each meeting to help defray the costs of the meeting. The money is placed in the general fund for routine operating expenses required to help keep the organization flourishing.


United Way designated pledge:

Many companies run United Way campaigns and employees feel either obligated or compelled to participate. United Way provides a marvelous option for you to designate your pledge to the organization of your choice.

CPR is not listed as a United Way agency, because we do not receive regular funding from the United Way General Fund. We only receive funding from United Way if you “write in” our organization as a special pledge. If you believe in the mission and activities of CPR, please consider designating your United Way pledge; simply “write in” your special designation to: Center for Parental Responsibility, Roseville, MN, and United Way will take care of the rest.

Please pass the word around to your co-workers that CPR is worth contributing to! If your United Way campaign has already been completed, it is never too late to change your pledge. Contact the local United Way office to change your pledge.


Donating your expertise: volunteering your time, talents, services:

The family court system can drain people financially. CPR understands that finances are tight for some of you. There are other ways to contribute. CPR has many volunteer opportunities available. We seek to match your talents to specific projects underway at CPR. We welcome and appreciate whatever short term or long term assistance you can provide. We have projects that take a little time or a lot – whatever matches your schedule and talents.


Donating office items: phone cards, paper, copy cards, furniture, office space:

Sometimes it is easier and more comfortable to contribute something specific that you have already purchased. Please call us if you have something that you think might be beneficial to the organization.


Donating give-away’s:

CPR has received TWINS game tickets, caribou coffee gift cards, and other items to be designated as prizes for drawings for participation, meeting attendance, or other extra special appreciation for those who have assisted the organization in outstanding ways.




If you have any connections to any organization that provides grants to non-profit organizations, we appreciate any referrals for available grants.


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How to Become a CPR Member: Fill Out the Following Form with your Financial Contribution

                                                                                                            Today’s Date: __________________


How Did You Hear About CPR? Referral From (name)___________________ Website __ Media __  Other _____________

Name(s): ____________________________________

Address: ____________________________________

City/State/Zip: _______________________________

Home Phone:_____________________

His Work Phone: ____________________   Her Work Phone: _______________

His Cell Phone: ______________________ Her Cell Phone: ________________

His Email: ________________________   Her Email: ____________________

Type of Membership: Associate: _____  Silver _____  Platinum _____  GOLD Sponsor ______  Honorary ______

Membership Contribution Enclosed:  $_______


Sometimes People Move or Change Emails – If we can’t reach you – who will always know how to reach you?

Emergency Name:_______________________  Emergency Phone: _____________


Your First Step After Becoming a Member: The intake form and your story help us track specific information about actions by public officials and provide necessary documentation of who is being effective and how, to help educate people about the extent of problems in family court.

Are You Willing to Fill out an Intake Form?        Yes   No

Can We Use Your Story With Your Name?       Yes   No            Or, Without Your Name?  Yes  No