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Center for Parental Responsibility
P.O. Box 130776
Roseville, MN 55113
Voicemail: (651) 490-9277

Contact us



Contact your State Legislator!

Send Us Your Name, Contact Information, and Legislator's Names.

Getting Involved (Know Your Legislator)

-  Senator:               (651) 296-0504

- Representative:   (651) 296-2146


Legislative Action Kit
2007 CPR Legislative Education Kit : How to contact your legislator and what to say about the current two main family law reform issues we encourage volunteer citizens activists to advocate:

1)A Presumption of Joint Physical Custody

2)Title IV-D eligibility standards and subsequent means testing and appropriate guidelines to limit government intervention in private domestic relations matters.

Legislative JPC Packet
2007 CPR ALTERNATIVE Legislative Packet on Joint Physical Custody : This packet includes two very long documents for those legislators that have a stated interest in more detailed information:

Contact The President

The President, Barack Obama
White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave
Washington, DC 20500
Primary Phone: 202-456-1414
Secondary Phone: 202-456-1111
Fax: 202-4556-2461