Center for Parental Responsibility
P.O. Box 130776
Roseville, MN 55113
Voicemail: (651) 490-9277

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Volunteer - There's No Greater Reward

By volunteering you begin to make change a reality!

Watch CPR Volunteer Video, 30 seconds

Volunteer Video, 30 seconds
Equal Shared Parenting - Keep Fighting (4 mins)

Step 1: Top 20 List: Self-Directed Volunteer Activities.
What activities matter? What activities help drive change? CPR has produced this list to help you know what meaningful reform activities you can begin to do immediately. Once you have completed and done the appropriate follow-up work in at least 6 of these items, let us know about your success! After you have done this, we are happy to personally guide anyone who has taken the initiative to work independently on these reform tasks, and is then willing to go to the next level by committing a minimum of 4 hours a month for at least 6 months to one specific project, so that volunteers with a proven track record can then be mentored into the "inner circle" of family law reform activists.

Step 2: Current Volunteer Opportunities at CPR.
Fill out this form to let us know your specific area of interest or expertise. Mail it in to CPR. We will keep this on file. When we have a Committee Chair who is able to manage projects and people in your area of interest, we will call upon you for assistance. If you are willing to be a committee chair, make a commitment for at least 1 full year, and have a track record of managing both people and projects, let us know.

Family court reform will occur only in direct proportion to the number of dedicated volunters and consistency of time they commit persistently over the long haul.

"No organization can grow consistently faster than it's ability to get enough of the right people to implement growth."
-Good to Great, Jim Collins


CPR believes children need both parents. CPR believes each parent is equally responsible for the care and custody of their children. CPR believes neither parent should be deprived of this fundamental right unless there has been a criminal finding of unfitness due to abuse, harm, neglect or abandonment.

CPR is a non profit organization mobilizing like-minded people, comprised of 100% (unpaid) volunteer citizens dedicated to family law/family court reform, who support our mission to remove the obstacles that prevent both parents from being equally involved in the lives of their children. CPR is always searching for innovative, creative leaders willing to take individual responsibility for specific and ongoing tasks. We encourage everyone to get involved and use their individualized interests and skills to ensure that children have equal access to both parents and that children are not unnecssarily deprived of one parent because of unwarranted forced fatherlessness systematically imposed becasue of outdated agency policies and court practices, for divorced and never-married families.

The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; pray therefore the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into this harvest."
Matthew 9:37-38


A key component to reform includes exposing the problems of family court bias that result in the unwarranted removal of fit loving fathers without just cause. In order for change to occur, the public outcry must be publicized. Those who have consistently opposed parental equality for each fit parent in family court include those who profit and are guaranteed job security from the status quo and continued conflict: key judges, key attorneys/bar association, domestic violence industry, key custody evaluators, IV-D bureaucracy, department of human services, and legislators beholden to these special interest and (paid) lobby groups.

Many volunteer opportunities are available. CPR provides guidance on what you can do to expose the problems that will help force change, and take initiative to prove your commitment to the cause, so you can earn the right into our "inner circle" of dedicated volunteers.

"I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. And because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do the something that I can do. What I can do, I should do. And what I should do, by the grace of God, I will do."
Edward Everett Hale


As a 100% volunteer organization, we need volunteers to help make things happen and promote change.

Important Information for Volunteers and Family Law Reform Activists:

Directions to CPR Office the office is open for scheduled meetings and by appointment only

Welcome Letter to Volunteers

Current Volunteer Opportunities at CPR

Simple "top 10" List of Reform Actitivies:
Direction on activites anyone can do to help drive family law reform change

Top 20 List: Self-Directed Family Law Reform Activities

Link to TV Show Flyer for Printing and Distribution

Why Volunteer: Volunteering, A Life Changing Experience

Brief Tips: 12 Steps On How To Be An Activist

Why Volunteer? Everybody, Somebody, Anybody, Nobody

Volunteering Your Time Can Be Life-Changing Experience

Article: Twin Cities No 1 in Volunteering

Article: Volunteer Help Someone Else

Volunteer Photo Gallery


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DISCLAIMER: The viewing of material from this site, the exchange of mail, and/or other communications with CPR does not constitute legal advice. CPR makes no representation or warranty regarding the resources or other professionals to which or from which this site is linked. The information at this site is provided as educational public service. However, it may not be relevant to your situation and is not intended to replace a thorough and proper consultation with a competent and experienced attorney.